Sunday, February 14, 2010

New way to make money writing

Hi all,

As promised I found another site to make money - it is called BrightHub and there are articles that pay upfront ( I think it is $14 per article) plus revenue share. I have tried it out yet, but I am planning too soon. Just another way for you to make money online. Will update you soon, but I am already at $165 for this month - so I think I will hit $400 again!

Another good blog I just found is - this website is very inspiring and has a lot of good tips.

See you soon.

Saturday, February 13, 2010 update on earnings

Hi all,

Been awhile, but I have been writing like crazy to pay the bills. Awhile back I told you about and I was liking it ok, but now they have added incentives for their local writers, which is helping me earn more there. Local writers can now earn $1 per post up to $5 per week for content that pertains to their local area. So if you write the max of 5 posts and they all pertain to your local area you are guaranteed $5 per week plus pay for page views. This will be a big boost for me.

If you are interested you can sign up at - and use me as your referrer char540 the Fargo Business Travel Examiner.

Will post some new places to earn this week.